Guernsey MC and CC Youth Sand Race Training Planned

Tuesday April 11, 2017 at 4:26pm
Guernsey MC and CC Youth Sand Race Training Planned
As many of you will be aware, the late John de Garis, who raced at Vazon in the 50’s and 60’s left £5,000 to the Guernsey MC & CC club in his will in 2015. The members at the AGM that year agreed to put John’s very kind gift towards youth development. The first training event was for the junior trials riders who gained some valuable coaching when the club bought Richard Sadler over last year.


The next training event which is aimed at the Youth Sand Race riders who will be travelling to Rye House Speedway on the 21st April for a weekend of coaching. Eleven riders will be taken, with their bikes and eleven adults, to the track on Saturday 22nd for a 4/5 hour training session exclusively for them. They will also be able to use some 150cc speedway bikes. We will then stay at the track to watch the Premiership match between the Rye House Rockets and Poole Pirates, returning to the track on Sunday morning for another 4/5 hour session, this time open to other riders.


The logistics are all done with a van to take the bikes, a minibus to be collected in the UK, 11 hotel rooms each night, in a different location each night, plus 22 passengers on Condor.


The riders that are coming on the trip are: 
Casey Gallienne
Dan Clark
Erin Ogier
Gemma Le Page
Gilo Robilliard
Harry Ogier
Jack Bougourd
Luke Bush
Patrick Le Friec
Sam Walker
Thomas Vining


Most of them rode at the practice day at the MX track (on a small flat field) and ALL of them made big improvements without any coaching. We are really looking forward to seeing them all make great leaps forward in their performance after this wonderful opportunity to gain some new skills and I’m sure that John de Garis would have wholeheartedly approved.


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CV21 2YX.
Telephone: 01788 566400